
At Hot Springs Quantum Wellness, Reflexology, an ancient art and science is a big part of our overall approach to your Wellness Program.


We combine the ancient healing services with the most modern-day technologies because of their synergistic effects, making each treatment modality more effective than either by themselves. This is just one way we are unique from the other Reflexology practitioners. The ancient Egyptians as well as Asian societies used Reflexology as an integral part of their healing services. Reflexologists were the doctors and healing practitioners of their day. They would treat the body according to what organ systems they would find in their feet, hands, and face including the head. It was based on clearing the meridian system from blockages in the energy flow.

During your initial Reflexology session after a short health questionnaire is filled out, a health analysis will be made on the feet of all body systems and pain and inflammation areas found throughout the body.

We also use a specific Reflexology Deeply Relaxing System and we can combine this service with the Wellness Pro Plus, an FDA cleared medical device for the best results for your customized program. When our clients decide to not opt for medications and/or elective surgeries suggested, or they just prefer to do more of a natural approach for their Wellness, they find us or are referred to us from friends, family or other health professionals.

At Hot Springs Quantum Wellness we also use an Amethyst Crystal Far- Infrared heated Bio-Mat that you will lie on while we do our Reflexology services to increase your wellness benefits by increasing your blood circulation and providing you better pain and inflammation relief while you relax deeply to soft spa music. We also administer the appropriate essential oils to your feet as you breathe in the corresponding oils that will synergistically work with your Wellness Program. You can also choose to use it at home if you choose to own the BioMat if you want to deepen and speed your healing recovery time.

Benefits of Reflexology

Deeply Relaxing and De-stressing
Relieves Body Pains
Promotes Better Sleep
Increases Better Blood Circulation
Stimulates Nerve Function
Improves the Immune System
Increases Energy
Instantly Relaxes Muscles and Improves Headaches
Improves Flexibility and Range of Motion
Reduces Sinus issues

Helps Clear Brain fog
Improves Mood and Relieves Depression or PTSD
Alleviates Swelling (Edema)
Reduces Neuropathy
Reduces Plantar Fasciitis
Reduces Bone Spurs or Arthritic knuckles based on testimonials
Makes Feet Healthier and free from foot problems
Fertility issues
Aids Weight loss and Detoxification
Relieves Headaches, Sinuses, Allergies and Respiratory conditions

Doctors refer their cancer patients to us to help their patients reduce and relieve their pain, inflammation, anxiety and deeply relax for better healing.

Call or schedule an appointment to experience this deeply relaxing wellness service.
Hot Springs Quantum Wellness
817 894-9222

I felt amazing afterward!

“I went to Lori Smiskol for a reflexology health analysis today. It was very informative and I felt amazing afterward! I learned a lot of good information on body systems I need to support with ! I highly recommend her for those who want to use preventative measures to protect their health! She has a lot of other options available as well to analyze your deficiencies you need to take care of.”

Carla McCain, Weatherford, TX, Lemongrass Distributor

Please call for your free 20-minute complimentary consultation by phone or in the office and find out how you can receive your 9-minute Live Pain-Free demo session too! (817) 894-9222

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Lori Smiskol
Hot Springs Quantum Wellness,