
I Help You Build Healthy Habits and Realistic Goals

One step at a time, we will create a custom wellness plan daily, weekly, and monthly for you to follow with cleansing, supplements suggested and natural wellness therapies.

We work together to refer you to the best-integrated Physicians and other alternative health care professionals like Chiropractors or medical massage practitioners in answering all of your health concerns and needs. If your Zyto scan refers you to also see a Medical massage practitioner for a lymph massage those suggestions will be made so you can always rest assured you are getting the best care at Hot Springs Quantum Wellness through our Wellness programs and referral system.

How Do I Know It’s Right For Me

You are in the driver seat here. Knowledge is power. We give you the knowledge and then you decide your best course of action with the tools and education we give you.

You will receive a free 20 min phone consultation to learn more about how this can help you reach personal wellness goals.

Call Me
(817) 894-9222
Visit Me

Lori Smiskol
Hot Springs Quantum Wellness,